Senin, 27 April 2015

Spanish Tortilla

Originated from 1817 (Pamplona and Navarra); simple meal existing from potatoes and eggs (later, richer versions included vegetables and sausages). One of most famous dishes of Spain.

2-3 tbs olive oil
1 onion, diced
1/2 tsp oregano
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed
5-6 potatoes, sliced (600 g +)
cumin (optional), pinch
1 Chorizo sausage  or bacon, sliced
5-6 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 190*C. Heat oil in a heavy pan, saute onion and garlic. Add chorizo, potato and seasoning. Mix gently, then pour beaten eggs over the mixture. Bake in oven for 20+minutes, or until potatoes soft and golden brown.

Španska Tortilja

Potice iz 1817 (Pamplona i Navarra); jednostavni obrok od krompira i jaja (kasnije, bogatije verzije ukljucuju dodatak povrca i mesnatih proizvoda). Jedno od najpoznatijih jela Spanije.

2-3 K maslinovog ulja
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
1/2 k origana
1-2 cena bijelog luka, protisnut
5-6 krompira (600gr +), isjecenog
kim, opciono - prstohvat
1 chorizo kobasica (moze Kranjska ili mesnata slanina), izrezana
5-6 jaja, umucenih
so i biber

Ukljucite rernu na 190*C. Zagrijte ulje u tavi sa tezim dnom, prorzite luk. Dodajte krompir i kobasicu, zajedno sa zacinima. Promijesajte njezno. Zalijte sa umucenim jajima i smjestite u rernu na 20+minuta, ili dok krompir ne omeksa i ne postane zlatno-zut na povrsini.

Senin, 20 April 2015

Rustic Walnut Strudel

It is bucketing down here in my town!...and it's cold! 14*C - that's very cold for our weather, and it's not winter yet. Brrr! Time to switch my oven on and bake something soft and comforting.

4 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp yeast
1 cup milk, warm
80 g butter, melted
4 yolks
1 egg
80 g sugar
pinch of salt
vanilla and lemon zest, to liking
4 egg whites
250 g walnuts, grounded
100 g sugar
cinnamon, optional

Make a soft dough from all listed ingredients (by machine or by hand), cover and let it rise in a warm spot. When doubled in size, roll out to a rectangle. Mix egg whites sugar and walnuts into a paste. Spread over the dough rectangle and roll into a sausage. Twist around itself into a circle and place onto a baking tray (a glass can be inserted in the middle to keep the shape). Switch oven to 180*C; make a few cuts into the dough and bake for 35+ minutes.

Rustična Štrudla sa Orasima

Pljusti vec danima!...i hladno je! 14*C - to je hladno za nase vremenske prilike, a jos niti zima nije stigla. Brrr! Vrijeme da se ukljuci rerna i ispece nesto toplo i mirisno.

4 solje brasna
1 1/2 k instant kvasca
1 solja mlijeka, mlakog
80 gr, maslaca, otopljenog
4 zumanca
1 jaje
80 gr secera
malo soli
vanila i korica limuna, prema zelji
4 bjelanca
250 gr oraha, mljevenih
100 gr secera
malo cimeta (opciono)

Umijesite mekano tijesto (mikser, mashina ili ruke), pokrijte i ostavite nadoci.
Razvaljajte u pravougaonik, premazite sa masom od bjelanjaka, secera i oraha i zarolajte. Uvrnite strudlu oko sebe i postavite na tepsiju (deblja casa moze biti postavljena u sredinu da ocuva oblik). Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Kada je zagrijana, napravite nekoliko rezova na povrsini strudle i pecite oko 35+ minuta.

Minggu, 12 April 2015

Kaiser rolls / Vienna rolls / 'Kaisersemmel'

Huh, 2 weekends of celebration in a row; first Catholic Easter, then Orthodox. Fortunately, this year I spent both of them at  friends' houses, so I didn't have to cook a lot ( of course, I made coloured eggs - we cant have Easter(s) without them).
Time for something simpler - traditional Austrian bread rolls! They originated from 1760 and are named after Emperor (Kaiser) Franz Joseph I of Austria. What makes them different from other bread rolls is their top divided into 5 symmetric segments, separated by curved cuts.
Recipe from CHEFKOCH.DE

150 g flour (bakers strong, please)
135 ml water (skin warm)
10 g fresh yeast (instant can be used too)
Main dough-
350 g flour
140 ml water (+,-)
10 g salt
20 g lard or butter, melted
5 g malt (or 1/2 tbs honey)

Mix ingredients for starter, let it rise. Add other ingredients and knead into homogenous dough. Cover and let it rest for 20-30 minutes (warm spot). Divide into 10 balls, then shape them using any method shown down. Let them rise for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 220*C. Place a bowl with 1/2 cup hot water on bottom. Bake rolls for 5 minutes; open oven door to let steam escape, then lower temperature to 200*C and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

'Kaisersemmel' / Kajzer Pecivo

Uh, 2 vikenda proslave i feste za redom. Na svu srecu, ove godine sam bila gost oba vikenda, tako da nisam mnogo kuhala. Naravno, obojena jaja smo morali imati (oba Uskrsa; tako je kod nas!).
Vrijeme je za nesto jednostavno - tradicionalno Austrijsko pecivo. Datiraju jos iz 1760-e, a ime su dobile u cast Cara (Kaiser) Franz Joseph I of Austria. Sta ih cini drugacijima od drugih slicnih peciva je njihova povrsina koja je podijeljena u 5 simetricnih segmenata, koji su odvojeni zaobljenim rezom.
Recept iz  CHEFKOCH.DE

Startno tijesto-
150 gr brasna (za peciva)
135 ml mlake vode
10 gr svjezeg kvasca (moze i instant)
Glavno tijesto-
350 gr brasna
140 ml vode (+,-)
10 gr soli
20 gr masti ili maslaca, otopljen
5 gr sladi (ili 1/2 K meda)

Pomijesajte sastojke za startno tijesto; ostavite da nadodje. Dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite glatko, elasticno tijesto. Pokrijte i ostavite odmarati 20-30 minuta. Podijelite na 10 loptica, zatim ih oblikujte prema jednom od metoda prikazanih (gore i dole) . Ostavite ih da rastu oko 30 min. Ukljucite rernu na 220*C. Stavite posudu sa 1/2 solje vrele vode na dno, zatim ubacite kajzerice. Pecite 5 minuta, otvorite rernu da para izadje, smanjite temperaturu na 200*C pa pecite jos 10-15 minuta.

White bread rolls                                                                Rye bread rolls

Other techniques and/or tools of shaping kaiser rolls

Image result for kaisersemmelPlastic stamps

  Image result for kaisersemmel                                                                                 By hand

Selasa, 07 April 2015

Panetonne Pudding

I NEVER throw food (which is not difficult to archive, if you have 3 men in house)! There is always a way or two to use it up. If you ever have Panetonne (or any similar yeast cake) leftovers, you must try this pudding. Easy and quick!

Panetonne leftovers (or other yeasted cake)
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups cream
1/2 cup flour
Prepare a cake ring, place baking paper over it. Slice Panetonne and place some pieces snugly on bottom. Beat sugar and eggs until fluffy. Add vanilla, cream and flour, mix well. Pour 5-6 spoons of this mixture over slices of Panetonne. Cut the rest of cake into cubes and put them into egg mixture; mix well.
Preheat oven to 180*C. When ready, place remaining mixture over slices and bake for 30 minutes. Serve warm or cold.

'Puding' od Panetonne Kolača

Nikada ne bacam hranu (sto mi nije tesko kraj 3 muskarca!). Uvijek postoji nacin ili dva da se hrana 'reciklira'. Ako vam nekada preostane Panetonne ili nekog drugog kruha / kolaca sa kvascem (pinca?), probajte ovaj 'puding', koji je lak i brz za napraviti.

Ostatci Panetonne ili drugih kolaca sa kvascem
4 jaja
1/2 solje secera
1 tsp vanila ekstrakta
2 solje slatke pavlake
1/2 solje brasna
Prekrijte model za torte sa papirom za pecenje. Narezite Panetonne na snite, prekrijte dno sa njima. 
Umutite secer sa jajima u pjenastu masu, dodajte vanilu, vrhnje i brasno. Sa 5-6 kasika ove mase, prelijte postavljene snite. Ostatak kolaca narezite na kockice i ubacite u preostalu masu sa jajima i promijesajte. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Kada se zagrije, uspite svu preostalu masu preko snita u kalupu i pecite 30-ak minuta. Sluziti toplo ili hladno.