Minggu, 06 September 2015

Black Risotto

No, it's not made with black rice; this is speciality of Dalmatia (coastal Croatia) where cuttlefish (or octopus or squid) ink is used to colour (and flavour) rice dishes. Best served with seafood!

3-4 tbs olive oil
1 onion, diced
3-4 garlic cloves, crushed / grated 
1/2 red chilly (or more), diced
1 1/2 - 2 cups Arborio rice
6-7 cups fish or vegetable stock
1 tbs cuttlefish (or octopus) ink
150 ml white wine
1/2 cup Parmesan, grated 
salt and pepper (white preferable)

Wash rice and drain.
Heat fish stock and keep hot close by.
Heat oil in a pot, saute onion for 1 couple of minutes; add chilly and garlic. Stir well then add rice and ink. Mix until ink incorporated then add a ladle of fish stock; keep stirring all the time until stock absorbed, then add another ladle and continue until all stock used and rice cooked. Constant stirring is a must, as it gives creamy texture to your risotto. Finally add parmesan and white wine; check for taste and adjust it if necessary. Serve while warm.

Crni Rižot / Rizoto

Ne, nije u pitanju rizoto od crne rize; radi se o Dalmacijskom specijalitetu u kojemu se koristi mastilo / crnilo sipe ili hobotnice da oboji i oplemeni poznato jelo. Najbolje servirati sa drugim plodovima mora.

3-4 K maslinovog ulja
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
1/2 crvene papricice, sjeckane
1 1/2 - 2 solje rize za rizoto (arborio)
6-7 solja bujona od morskih plodova / ribe ili povrca
1 K crnila / mastila sipe ili hobotnice
150 ml bijelog vina
1/2 solje parmezana, rendanog
so i biber (bijeli po mogucnosti)

Operite rizu i ocijedite.
Zagrijte bujon / supu i drzite po strani.
Zagrijte ulje u serpi, prodinstajte luk nekoliko minuta zatim ubacite papricicu i bijeli luk. Promijesajte, uspite rizu i crnilo  i dobro umijesajte. Dodajte 1 solju supe i mijesajte dok riza ne apsorbira tecnost. Ponavljajte ovaj postupak dok ne utrosite sav bujon, a riza ne bude kuhana. Stalno mijesanje ce omoguciti kremastu strukturu rizota. Na kraju ubacite parmezan i bijelo vino, te provjerite okus. Servirajte dok je toplo.

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