Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Biscuit Press Matcha Shortbread...5th year anniversary

Today is  5th anniversary of starting my blog. I have to say that I didn't think it's going to mean so much to me, and I would advice anyone who's thinking of writing a blog (of any kind) to just do it. Feeling that you're giving something in return to the World and humankind is wonderful, and you'll have personal satisfaction - both my English and Bosnian languages became better, all my recipes are in one (presentable) spot + I met wonderful people around the world who think and feel like me.
Of course, there will be 'others' too. Some of them will become your friends, then suddenly 'unfriend' you, others will not return following, and some will never leave any comment to your posts. And then, there are (rare) nasty-ones with negative comments and those who want to 'commercialise' their website through your blog...Many of them will not last!
But, all of that is OK. Take what you like, ignore/ delete what you don't ...and continue. It is secret of successful bloging... Persistence! (like with anything in life).

Beauty about this recipe is that you always can add your favorite flavour, and if you don't have biscuit cookie press, you can shape dough into a sausage, slice and bake it.
1 cup butter, softened (250g)
1/2 cup icing sugar
2 tsp matcha powder (or other flavouring; vanilla, lemon zest, cacao...)
1 1/3 cups flour
1/2 cup corn starch
Mix all ingredients into smooth dough. Fill your biscuit press and squeeze shapes onto baking sheet (lined with baking paper). Bake for 10-12 min at 180*C. Dust with icing sugar.

Cacao... and Lemon
 flavoured Biscuits

Keksi sa Prahom Zelenog Čaja (ili drugim aromama)

Danas je 5 godina od kako sam pocela pisati ovaj blog i moram priznati da nisam mislila da ce mi to mnogo znaciti. Stoga podsticem sve one koji su razmisljali da otpocnu svoj sopstveni blog (bilo koje vrste) da to slobodno ucine. Osjecaj da dajes nesto zauzvrat svijetu i ljudima je divan, a  ispostavilo se i to da mi pisanje cini dobro za oba jezika koja koristim + imam sve svoje recepte na jednom mjestu i divno druzenje sa istomisljenicima. 
Naravno, naici cete na razne ljude. Neki ce vas prihvatii kao prijatelje pa zatim iznenada iskljuciti, drugi vam nikada nece htjeti uzvratiti 'sljedovanje', dok ce se treci zareci da nikada nece ostaviti bilo koji komentar na vasim postovima. Zatim, bice tu i onih zlobnih sa negativnim komentarima, zatim 'komercijalista' koji zele preko vaseg sajta steci publiku... Mnogi od njih nece dugo trajati!
 ALI, sve je to u redu! Uzmes sto ti odgovara, ignorises / izbrises negativnosti i nastavis. To je tajna uspjesnog blogiranja...  Upornost! (kao  i u svemu drugome u zivotu).

Ljepota ovog recepta je u cinjenici da ga mozete iskoristiti sa bilo kojom aromom koju volite, a takodje mozete tijesto oblikovati u valjak, rashladiti i rezati na kolutice, ukoliko nemate presu za keksice.
1 solja maslaca, omeksalog (250gr)
1/2 solje secera u prahu
2 k zelenog caja u prahu (matcha; ili vanila, korica limuna, kakao ..)
1 1/3 solje brasna
1/2 solje skrobnog brasna 
Izmijesajte sve sastojke i umijesite mekano tijesto. Napunite istiskivac / presu za kolacice i istiskujte oblike na tepsiju preko koje ste stavili papir za pecenje. Pecite 10-12 minuta na 180*C. pospite secerom u prahu.

 Matcha tea flavoured Biscuits

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