Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

'Tulumbe' fried Syrupy Pastries

Tulumbe remind of churros by their shape, except they're dunk in syrup and the dough contains eggs (like profiteroles' dough). They are very popular in Turkey, Greece and Eastern Balkan countries.
I never made them before (don't really like that kind of desserts), but was keen to give it a try, since a cafe owner asked me if I could make them for him. (By the way, I have completed my course, and now I'm ready to start my business!)

500 ml (2 cups water)
100 ml oil (or butter)
vanilla essence
375g flour
5-6 eggs (depending on size)
1 kg sugar (...I know!)
600 ml water
1/2 lemon, sliced
1 L oil for deep frying
First make syrup; place sugar, water and lemon slices in a pan. Bring to boil, cook for 5 minutes. Leave it to cool completely.
Pastry- Place water and oil in a (heavy bottomed) pan. Bring to boil, them place all flour at once into it and mix vigorously until very thick and starts to form a ball. Let it cool slightly, than mix in one by one egg. If your mixer (with spiral beaters) doesn't do it properly, you'll have to do it by hand. Mixture should be thick and sticky, but smooth.
Heat oil in a pan (180*C); spoon pastry mixture into a piping bag with 1 cm wide nozzle (or special device for tulumbe - I used Biscuit press). When oil hot, squeeze 5-6 cm of dough into oil (cutting with scissors that you've dipped in oil). Fry 4-5 at once, turning them a few times. When golden, take out on a paper towel, then place them in cold syrup. Turn them several times to 'drink' properly. Repeat with the rest of dough. Serve when completely cold.

Svi znamo sta su Tulumbe. Izgledom su slicne Ćurosima, ali tijesto je vise kao za princes krofne. Popularne su u Turskoj, Grckoj i istocnim zemljama Balkana
Nikada ih prije nisam pravila (ne volim deserte takve vrste), ali sam bila voljna isprobati, jer me je jedan vlasnik kafea pitao da li bih mogla da ih napravim za njega. (Usput da kazem, kurs sam zavrsila i sad mogu otpoceti svoj biznis!)

5 dl vode
1 dl ulja (ili maslaca)
375 gr brasna
5-6 jaja (u ovisnosti o velicini)
1 kg secera (...znam!)
6 dl vode
1/2 isjecenog limuna

Najprije napravite sirup; stavite sve sastojke u serpu, zagrijte i kuhajte 5 minuta. Ostavite da se potpuno ohladi.
Tijesto- Stavite vodu i ulje da prokljucaju. Ubacite brasno i vigorozno mijesajte, dok se ne pocne odvajati od serpe. Tijesto treba da je jako gusto. Ostavite blago prohladiti, zatim umijesajte jedno po jedno jaje; ako mikser nece umutiti, onda koristite ruke ili drvenu kuhacu. 
Zagrijte ulje (180*C) na srednje jako. Stavite tijesto u presu (ja sam koristila presu za keksice) i istiskujte 5-6 cm dugacke tulumbe u vruce ulje (rezite makazama umocenim u ulje). Przite okrecuci, dok ne postanu zlatno zute. Izvadite na upijajuci papir, zatim ih smjestite u haldan sirup i okrecite da se  'napiju'. Ponovite postupak sa ostalima. Servirajte dobro rashladjeno.

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