Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Rice Pudding

This is one of simplest and most loved desserts in the World. I had it often during my childhood, but never tried to make it myself...until now!

1 l milk (4 cups), full cream
1 cup short grain rice (Arborio), washed and drained
1/4 -1/2 cup sugar, depending how sweet do you like it
cinnamon for sprinkling
Place rice and milk in a heavy bottomed (non-stick) pan. Heat and bring to boil. Reduce and cook for 25+ minutes; stir time to time - this will assure creaminess of your dessert. Add sugar and mix well. Take off the heat and pour into serving dishes. Sprinkle with cinnamon and let it cool (refrigerate) before serving.
If you want creamier pudding, add a bit of butter to milk (or you can use 1/4 cream instead of milk). You can also add other flavourings, like orange peel, cardamom, vanilla...


Jedan od najjednostavnijih i najvoljenijih deserta u svijetu. Cesto sam je imala tokom mog djetinjstva, ali nikad nisam sama probala napraviti... do sada!

1 l mlijeka, punomasno
1 solja rize (250ml zapremina) kraceg zrna (Arborio), oprana i ocijedjena
1/4 - 1/2 solje secera
cimet za posuti
Stavite rizu i mlijeko u posudu sa tezim dnom (neprijanjajucu), zagrijte do kljucanja, smanjite i kuhajte 25+ minuta. Promijesajte cesto, jer ce to omoguciti kremastiju sutliju (i manje prijanjanja za dno). Uspite secer i dobro izmijesajte. Prebacite u posudu za serviranje i pospite cimetom. Rashladit dobro prije sluzenja.
Ako zelite bogatiju, kremastiju sutliju, u mlijeko mozete dodati malo maslaca (ili 1/4 mlijeka zamijeniti sa slatkim vrhnjem). Razlicite arome se mogu dodati, npr korica narandze, kardamom, vanilla...

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