Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Ricotta and Walnuts Sauce

I always have ricotta either in the fridge or in my freezer. With ricotta you can be creative and use it in many ways. This recipe comes from an Italian cookbook (Silver Spoon); use it for pasta or canapes.

250 g Ricotta cheese
4 tbs mascarpone cheese
2 tbs milk
1 egg yolk
5-6 walnuts, chopped
1-2 tbs fresh chives, chopped
salt and pepper
Place ricotta in a bowl, add milk and mascaropne. Season to taste, add yolk and mix well. Add half of walnuts and chives, mix again. Other half leave for sprinkling over the sauce.

Sos (namaz) sa Rikotom i Orasima

Uvijek imam rikotu u frizideru (ili zamrzivacu), jer se svasta moze napraviti sa njom. Recept, koji danas predstavljam, dolazi iz Italijanske knjige recepata ' Srebrna kasika'. Mozete ga iskoristiti kao sos za pastu, ili kao namaz.

250 gr rikote
4 K maskarpone sira
2 K mlijeka
1 zumance
5-6 oraha, sjeckanih
1-2 K vlasca, sjeckanog
so i biber
Stavite rikotu u posudu, dodajte mlijeko i maskarpone. Zacinite prema ukusu, dodajte zumance i promijesajte.Dodajte polovicu oraha i vlasca, promijesajte. Preostalu polovicu stavite po povrsini namaza.

A few ideas on what to use Ricotta for:
Nekoliko ideja za Rikotu:


Cheese and Pesto Scrolls

Baked Ricotta (savoury)

Cheese and Parsley Pide

Ricotta Spinach and Semolina Gnocchi with Butter-Sage Sauce

'Kifle' - Milk rolls filled with Ricotta (or Frankfurters, or Ham'n'Cheese)


Cannoli with Ricotta and Lemon Curd Cream

Classical Baked Cheese Cake (Donna Hay recipe)

Cheese and Cherry Strudel

All my recipes with Ricotta .
Svi moji recepti sa rikotom.

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