Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Mushroom and Zucchini (crustless) Pie

Quick meatless meal for Monday; tasty, filling and low calorie!

2 eggs
250-350 g mushrooms, sliced
2 tbs sour cream
1 garlic clove, crushed (or garlic powder)
2 zucchinis, grated
1/3 cup flour
salt and pepper
oil (or butter) and flour for the dish
Preheat oven to 180*C; grease a (20 cm) dish and coat with flour.
Heat a non-stick pan and sautee mushrooms with 2 tbs sour cream, garlic, salt and pepper. 
Beat eggs in another bowl, add mushrooms, zucchinis, flour and seasoning. Mix well and place into prepared dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Serve with yogurt or sour cream (optional). 

Pita sa Gljivama i Tikvicama (bez podloge)

Jedan brzi obrok za 'bezmesni ponedjeljak'. Ukusan, zadovoljavajuci i nisko kalorican.

2 jaja
250-300 gr sampinjona (ili sl.)
2 K kisele pavlake
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnut
2 tikvice, rendane
1/3 solje brasna
so i biber
ulje (ili maslac) i malo brasna za posudu 
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C; pripremite (20 cm) posudu. Nauljite je i pospite brasnom.
Izdinstajte gljive sa kiselim vrhnjem, bijelim lukom i zacinite.
Umutitejaja u drugoj posudi, dodajte gljive, tikvice, brasno i zacinite. Uspite u posudu i pecite 20-25 minuta. Servirajte sa jogurtom ili kiselim vrhnjem (opciono).

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