Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Olaf - 'Frozen' Cake

Special Birthday cake made for a special girl!

200 g marshmallows
2 cups + icing sugar
2 tbs water
coconut oil or other shortening for greasing
Place marshmallows and water in a microwave safe bowl. Heat on high for 1.30-2 minutes, taking out and stirring every 30 seconds, until melted. Mix in 1/2 of sugar, other 1/2 sift on working surface. Pour melted mixture over it, grease your hands well and start kneading. It's VERY sticky, grease hands all the time adding sugar until fondant becomes pliable and non-sticky. You can do this a week in advance, then leave fondant in a container in cool place. Bring to room temperature before rolling out. To colour fondant: add a bit of gel colours and knead in. If using liquid colours, you will need to add  more icing sugar or corn flour.
Moist Vanilla cake-
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 3/4 cup sugar
3 /4 cup butter, melted
1 cup buttermilk
3 tbs vegetable oil
2 tsp vanilla essence
6 large yolks
3 egg whites 
Beat egg whites with 3/4 cup sugar until stiff. Set aside 
In another bowl beat the rest of sugar and yolks. Add all wet ingredients, slowly beating all the time. Sift all dry ingredients on top and fold in. Add 1/3 egg whites, mixing with a spoon/ spatula, then fold in the rest. Divide and bake in 2 spring forms (30+ minutes, 180 *C). Take out, cool, then level the tops and split each into 2.
Italian Meringue Butter Cream-
2 cups sugar
6 tbs water
3/4 cup egg whites
500 g butter, cubes, softened
1 tsp vanilla essence
blue food colour 
Place sugar and water in a heavy bottomed pan. Bring to boil, turn heat down and boil for 5-7 minutes, or until syrup reaches 120*C (or 'firm ball stage' - when some syrup dropped in a glass of cold water becomes hard.) 
While waiting for syrup to become thick, start beating egg whites (clean bowl). When syrup ready, carefully start pouring hot liquid into egg white meringue while mixer runs (not on a side of bowl, or on beaters). Continue beating until side of bowl not warm to touch anymore (might take 6-8 minutes). Now pour in vanilla and start adding 2 by 2 cubes of butter, until all incorporated and smooth. 
Blue ice-
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup glucose syrup
1-2 drops of blue colour
Heat sugar, food colour and syrup in a heavy bottomed pan. Bring to boil and let it reach 120*C (or hard ball stage). Must not burn, or you'll loose colour. Pour on a double layer of al foil (in a pan) and let it cool. Crack into desirable sizes.


 Posebna Rodjendanska Torta za Posebnu Djevojcicu

200 gr marsmalou 
2 solje + secera u prahu
2 K vode
kokosovo ulje ili druga masnoca za ruke
1 k vanile
Stavite marsmalou i vodu u posudu, zagrijavajte na najjacem stupnju u mikrovalnoj 1.30-2 minute, mijesajuci svakih 30 sekundi. Kada se sasvim otopilo, izvadite umijesajte 1/2 secera u prahu. Drugu polovicu prosijte na radnu povrsinu. Istresite otopljenu masu na secer, namazite ruke dobro sa kokosovim uljem i pocnite mijesiti. JAKO je ljepljivo, stoga mazite ruke cesto, dodajuci secer sve dok ne postane zasiceno i uoblicljivo 'tijesto'. Ovo mozete uciniti cak 1 sedmicu prije; ostavite fondan u hermeticki zatvorenoj kutiji na hladnom mjestu. Prije razvlacenja i oblikovanja, vratite na teperaturu sobe. Da obojite fondan; umijesajte gel boje i umijesite. Ako koristite tecne boje, morate dodati secera u prahu ili skrobnog brasna.
Vlazni Vanila Biskvit-
2 1/2 solje brasna
1 1/4 k praska za pecivo
1/4 k sode bb
1/2 k soli
1 3/4 solje secera
3/4 solje maslaca, otopljenog
1 solja mlacenice
3 K ulja
2 k vanile
6 vecih zumanaca
3 bjelanca
Umutitebjelanca sa 3/4 solje secera. Ostavite po strani.
U drugoj posudi mutite zumanca sa secerom, pa dodajte ostale vlazne sastojke, muteci lagano. Prosijet brasno i ostale suhe sastojke na povrsinu i rucno umijesajte. Dodajte 1/3 snijega bjelanjaka; umijesajte, zatim polako umijesjte i preostali snijeg. Podijelite u 2 obruca i pecite 30+ minta. Ohladite i prerezite na pola svaki (ako treba poravnajte povrsinu prvo).
Italijanski 'Puter Krem sa Bjelancima'-
2 solje secera
6 K vode
3/4 solje bjelanaca
500 gr maslaca, omeksalog, isjecenog na kocke
1 k vanile
Plava prehrambena boja
Stavite secer i vodu u lonce sa teskom dnom. Zagrijte do vrenja, smanjite i kuhajte oko 5-7 minuta, ili dok sirup ne dostigne temperaturu od 120*C. (Taj stadij se zove 'tvrda lopta' - ako ubacite malo sirupa u hladnu vodu, stvrdnuce se).
U meduvrmenu dok cekate da se sirup zgusne, pocnite mutiti bjelanca (u cistoj posudi). Kada je sirup postigao zeljeno stanje, uspite ga (PAZLJIVO) na bjelanca (ne na stranu posude i ne na zice). Nastavite mutiti dok se posuda ne ohladi (6-8 minta). Uspite vanilu, zatim pocnite dodavati 2 po 2 kocke maslaca. Mutite sve dok ne postane glatko i ujednaceno.
Plavi Led-
1 solja secera
1/2 solje glukoza sirupa
1-2 kapi plave prehrambene boje
Stavite secer, boju i glukozu u posudu sa teskim dnom. Zagrijavajte dok sirup ne postigne 120*C (opet ona tvrda loptica). Ne smije zagoriti, jer ce izgubiti boju. Stoga odmah istresite preko duplog sloj a al folije koji ste postavili preko tepsije. ostavite da se stegne, zatim iskidajte u zeljene oblike.

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