Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

Custard and Pear Tart with Steusel Topping

Opening a food related business in Australia (NSW) is not easy. There are so many regulations and tests you and your kitchen have to pass, in order to have licence.
I had an idea of baking cakes from my home and offering them to cafes, restaurants and privately. That would be my dream job...
Currently, I'm in the middle of completing my FSS course (food safety supervisor), which is one of necessary  steps in order to get my licence. Then, someone from council will have to visit my kitchen and tell me if I need to make some changes, or it would be OK to use it as it is. After that comes business registering, insurance, marketing... I'll let you know about my progress!

1 1/2 cup flour
3 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
125 g butter, cold in pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 tbs ice cold water 
Custard cream-
1 3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup cream
2 yolks
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbs corn flour / starch
2 tbs custard powder
+ 2-3 pears, ripe-ones please (canned, drained OK)
¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
3 tbs flour
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup rolled oats
50g cold butter, cubed
Make pastry by placing all ingredients into a food processor and blitzing until dough formed. Take out, wrap in cling wrap and let it rest. 
Heat 1 1/2 cup milk, sugar and cream into a non-stick pan. Mix 1/4 cup milk with the rest of ingredients (except pears). When milk starts boiling, pour mixture into it and cook until thick. Cover with cling film and let it cool. 
Peel and core pears; slice each into 4 or 6.
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a tart tin. Roll out your pastry and place into tin. Spoon custard cream, then place pears over it. 
Place all ingredients for crumble into a food processor and blitz until crumbs formed. Place them over pears. Bake for 35+ minutes, cool then serve.

Mrvičasti Tart sa Pudingom i Kruškama 

Otvoriti biznis vezan za hranu u Australiji nije nimalo lako. Postoji mnogo regulacija i testova koje vi i vasa kuhinja morate proci, da biste dobili dozvolu.
Moja ideja je da radim od kuce, pripremam deserte i slicno, po narudzbi kafea, restorana ili privatnih lica. To bi bio posao mojih snova...
U ovom trenutku sam u procesu zavrsavanja kursa koji je neophodan step da bih dobila dozvolu. Poslije toga, neko od odgovornih lica ce morati posjetiti moju kuhinju i reci mi mogu li je koristiti kakva jeste ili cu morati napraviti neke promjene. Zatim, dolazi registracija biznisa, osiguranje, marketiranje...Obavjestavacu vas o mojim 'koracima'!

Prhka kora-
1 1/2 solja brasna
3 K secera
malo soli
125 gr maslaca, hladnog, rezanog
1 jaje, blago umuceno
1 K hladne vode
Puding krem-
1 3/4 solje mlijeka
1/4 solje slatke pavlake
2 zumanca
1/4 solje secera
2 K 'gustina' (ili sl.)
2 K puding praha vanille (1 puding?)
+ 2-3 kruske, zrele
Mrvicasta povrsina-
1/4 solje braon secera
3 K brasna
1/2 k cimeta
1/3 solje presane zobi
50 gr maslaca, komadici
Umijesite tijesto za prhku koru; prstima ili uz pomoc sjeckalice. Zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite odmarati.
Stavite 1 1/2 solju mlijeka, vrhnje i secer kuhati. U preostalu 1/4 solje mlijeka umijesajte preostale sastojke (izuzev kruski). Kada mlijeko provrije  uspite mjesavinu i mijesajte dok se ne zgusne. Pokrijte sa prozirnom folijom i ostavite hladiti.
Ogulite i narezite kruske; svaku na 6-8 komada.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C; pripremite tart posudu.
Razvaljajte tijesto i smjestite ga u posudu. Ubacite puding krem, zatim utisnite kruske. 
Stavite sve sastojke za mrvicastu povrsinu u elektricnu sjeckalicu i izradite u mrvice. Zatim ovu masu prerucite preko kruski i zaravnajte. Pecite oko 35+ minuta. Prohladite i sluzite.

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